Motion Graphics, Digital Design, Social Media, Content Creation, After Effects, 3D modeling and manipulation, Stardust,


Getting one’s foot in the door to any industry is difficult as it can be quite the challenge to differentiate yourself from anyone else on social media. Given the fact that design students, specifically graduates of 2020 will most likely lack a personal brand to represent their work to their future employers.


The brief was to create a motion graphic video that establishes personal style and flair, showing off a myriad of technical skills to the public and potential employers and patrons


The motion-graphic had to be loopable, last for no longer than 10 seconds, and should demonstrate personal attributes, strengths and design tastes, speaking something of its creator.


It all started with a model, this one to be exact. The model needed to be low-poly enough to manipulate every degree of it's rendition, but sophisticated enough to give an air of class post-edit. The model was then put through Stardust, a node-based visual-effects plugin. Each of it's individual properties was manipulated to give the 3D model a holographic quality to it. Due to the complexities of working with node-based software, it is exceptionally challenging to explain, so a diagram has been provided below.