The preliminary response to the Covid-19 crises resulted in a lockdown, limiting movement and destroying any semblance of community or social cohesion, compounding the effects of isolation that people with mental health issues experience. Around this time of year, the Multi-Media team is tasked with creating a short film, which presented a unique challenge to this year’s graduates, both on a conceptual and technical level.


Film Direction, Camera-work, Film Editing, Script Writing, Animation,


The initial brief tasked the multi-media team to create a half-hour film with a singular script, with each individual tasked with dealing with a specific area of the film, but due to the conditions of lockdown, that was going to be virtually impossible. To cater to the conditions, the brief had been altered. Each individual was to create an independent 3-minute film showing the impact of the lockdown with over-arching theme of desolation. So long as the aforementioned conditions were met, each individual was free to interpret the brief as they saw fit.


The Desolation Diaries, an anthology of several unique perspectives on the lockdown experience was created. Each individual, aside from having a role to perform in the overall film project, had to create a film chapter that reflected their feelings towards the situation of lockdown. Due to the unusual circumstances created by the Covid-19 crises in which the concept of belonging to a family was personally highlighted, an opportunity was created to reflect a sense of gratitude and hope, which is the direction this specific portion of the film took.


Due to the nature of the brief and the unusual set of circumstances the team found itself in, roles that were once dedicated to a single individual or a pair, such as the roles of the script writer, camera-man, and editor, were now roles dedicated to each individual in the process of creating their piece.

Specific roles were still delegated in the early stages of the brief. The role passed on to me was that of the producer. The producers role was that of extended delegation of minor tasks, and alongside the co-producer, deadlines were set for tasks to keep the team in check, and the general narrative was steered towards a specific intention, that being fulling the base objective of sticking to the theme. It was also the role of the producers to report back to the Executive Producer to ensure that all was going according to plan.