Over the last few years, there has been a sharp decline in interest in the literary arts, especially of those that have a strong link to certain cultures, quite possibly as a result of an ever-growing global culture.


Motion-Graphic Design, Art Direction, Sound Design, Illustration, 3D Modelling, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Element3D


The brief required a triptic of motion graphic videos for the purpose visually describing a set of haikus (poems written in three stanzas, distinctly partitioned by the number of syllables) in as direct or as abstractly a manner as possible, to illustrate the power of digital visual mediums. As far as specificity is concerned, so long as there was evidence of using the haikus to inspire the work, or at the very least, intergrate them into the videos, the submission would have been accepted.


Foreign language students and teachers, people who appreciate Japanese culture


The brief gave an opportunity to breathe new life into the literary art of composing the haiku by way of conjoining illustration and visual design to created pieces and present them to the world, and what better way to do that then to illustrate the haiku taken straight out of game pop-culture


Zero hails from the iconic game Borderlands-2. His character development is heavily inspired by various traditional Japanese sub-cultures. His attire is shinobi-inspired, but the real interesting thing about this character, is that every line of dialogue he utters, is in haiku format. In an effort to make these motion-graphics as interesting as possible, his dialogue became the basis for the triptic mographs.



Zero vocalises to his enemy that his victory is assured, because said enemy has fallen for a "trap card", a reference to a particular card game and popular anime from the late 90's and early 2000's. The object falling in the first 6 seconds is a direct reference to the cards used in the game to summon monstrous entities and menacing damage-dealing effects. The storm centrally located inside the card eminates malicious intent.



After the heat of battle, Zero meditates on the dangers of having an idle mind. In response to it, he states that he always thinks of violence to counter it. The initial concpet of this one was to create a 3D form that looks stable from a distance but is actually overflowing with energy. Due to the minimum amount of time for each video, this concept was not realised. Instead, what was demonstrated was the instability of the form when energies are allowed to take it and do with it as it pleases. The energy represents an idle mind, the form is stabilised when energy is subdued inside it.



After the heat of battle, Zero meditates on the dangers of having an idle mind. In response to it, he states that he always thinks of violence to counter it. The initial concpet of this one was to create a 3D form that looks stable from a distance but is actually overflowing with energy. Due to the minimum amount of time for each video, this concept was not realised. Instead, what was demonstrated was the instability of the form when energies are allowed to take it and do with it as it pleases. The energy represents an idle mind, the form is stabilised when energy is subdued inside it.